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ILAG is a trade body representing members from the Life Assurance and Wealth Management Industries


Membership and Subscriptions

More About Us

As ILAG members you can discuss issues and concerns with other practitioners, helping us to represent the Practitioner Voice, influencing positive change throughout the industry.

Our membership year is January to December, but new members can join any time on a pro-rata basis.

Your annual subscription fee gives exclusive member-only access to all services.

Influence and exchange ideas

Our combined membership can support and influence the development of financial services legislation and regulation. We represent the voice of our industry by ensuring everyone's view is heard.

We provide a forum for members to share ideas and develop new ways of working, enabling more experienced members help the development of others.


We've built excellent professional relationships with regulatory bodies, such as PRA, FCA, TPR and FRC, which provide the opportunity for members share their views.

Our activities are designed to help members create new connections, build relationships and network with industry peers.

Training, education and information

Whether it's a seminar, forum or roundtable, our events are devised to help members learn and grow in their professional life.

We provide structured CPD confirmation to all event attendees, with many of our other activities eligible for unstructured CPD too.

Our members can:

  • Actively comment on open consultations, contributing to a combined industry response.
  • Help us engage with regulators and other industry bodies, to represent our industry and the views of our members.
  • Attend our seminars, workshops and roundtables, promoted through our online Diary. At these you will hear from peers, industry experts and many leading authorities on key issues.
  • Get free access to News Digests, event replays, presentation materials and summaries of our meetings with other industry bodies.
  • Engage with experienced industry peers for education, discussion and exchange of views.
  • Participate in our practitioner group activities and discussions*. Find out more about our Groups.

*Due to popularity, some practitioner groups may be at capacity.

We offer four categories of membership; these vary by type of business and the degree of access you wish to have.

Full Legal Members have unlimited access to all members services. Companies with this level of membership have the right to attend, be heard, and vote at General Meetings.

Consultancy member companies are part of ILAG's Associate Membership and benefit from unrestricted access to member services.

Limited, offered at company level, and Individual memberships are available on a 'per person' basis. These two categories make up the rest of our Associate Membership. Access to member services is restricted to named individuals and is non-transferable.

ILAG activities are based on sound principles designed to cultivate diversity, access and inclusion and we encourage participation from people who are under-represented in our industry.

If you have questions or want to find out more speak to Theresa, our Membership Manager.

Theresa Brooks

T: 01536 726158

M: 07950 327515



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