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ILAG is a trade body representing members from the Life Assurance and Wealth Management Industries

Practitioner of the Year

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This award ws given to an individual who has made a significant contribution to ILAG's activities during the year.


Practitioner of the Year - 2022 - Karen Johnson

Karen Johnson

A role model, driver, and influencer who is incredibly open and professional in everything she does for ILAG, this year's Practitioner of the Year provides invaluable support to the Management Team, the Pension Technical Practitioner Group, and the ILAG membership.

Through her commitment to sharing her extensive knowledge and expertise throughout ILAG, she provides quality input into member discussions and industry engagements; inspiring others to follow her lead.

She has worked tirelessly to help ILAG build better, more beneficial relationships with regulators and government bodies and has been instrumental in ILAG's interactions with the Work and Pensions Select Committee, Financial Reporting Council, HMRC, TPR, and MaPS.

Awards from previous years

2021 John Gillman
2020 Ryan Adams
2019 Richard Moodey
2018 Paul Avis
2017 Kim Harmer
2016 Pat Bennett
2015 Graeme Charters
2014 Damien Bartlett
2013 Nick Reilly
2012 Graham Wilson
2011 Debbie St Cyr
2010 Mick James
2009 Andrew Lloyd
2008 Mike Crick
2007 Stephen Gore

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